South Dakota
The wildlife abounds in this landscape where ranchers utilize grazing management that leaves ample grass for upland birds, deer, and antelope alike.
Whether you find yourself coming from East or West you will quickly find that Whitehorse, SD is situated in the heart of one of the largest expanses of continuous prairie you are likely to find anywhere.
As you pull into our spacious 7,000 sq ft lodge, you are likely to be greeted by the herd of wild horses that graze the flats just behind the lodge, or hear prairie dogs barking from their nearby towns. There is a unique balance struck here between the wild and domestic.
Our primary target is native sharp-tailed prairie grouse- along with the occasional prairie chicken. These birds have been on this landscape long before the cattle, Hungarian partridge, or ringneck pheasant arrived and are sure to be the focal point of dinner table talk at the end of a hunt.
The birds and boundless country here can be hunted to the horizon in any direction you look. This vast landscape lends itself to big running, powerful, and staunch bird dogs who will hold their game as long as it takes for you to find them on point.
The prairie, in all its solitude and beauty, calls to the hearts of hunters and explorers alike. Whether you are looking to watch the art of the hunting dog, check a bird off a bucket-list, or experience the majesty of the land where the horizon meets the skies- our lodge and the memories it makes is the place for you.